Respuesta :


Este verbo hace referencia a “TENER”   

Ejemplos sugeridos por los usuarios Lecgxme Supermarquitus.    

Auxiliary + subject + HAVE + complement + ?

- Do you have my book?
- Does she have a new car?
- Does Samuel have a dog?
- Does he have many friends?
- Do you have an e-mail?
- How many
coupons do you have?
- Do you have a new cellphone?
- Does she have a cat?
- What kind of pet do you have?

Subject + auxiliar (negativo) + HAVE + complement

- I don’t have a cellphone.

- I don’t have a Play Station.

- They don’t have a pet.

- She doesn’t have a boyfriend.

- He doesn’t have a car.

- My grandmother doesn’t have plants.


Subject + HAVE + complement

- I have a pencil.

- They have many shirts.

- She have my English books. 
- I have a surprise for her. 
- I have a lot of homework to do.